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Berlin – Germany

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F1 EEG | brain power at work

Changing demographics require new concepts for connecting research, supply, and industry. One approach is the development of technologies that enable medical monitoring of patients in their domestic life. This would allow for the improvement of medical monitoring and care of medical risk patients to delay or prevent hospitalization.

It was an honor for me to be the first industrial & interface designer hired by the founder of the company to make such a complex system a reality. After more than four years of intensive collaboration with engineers, programmers, suppliers, neuroscientists and the patients, we built the 1st medically certified telemedicine EEG in Europe.

Using F1 system, doctors can easily record and analysis EEG data with an intuitive user friendly medical grade application called F1 Lab. This application allows medical professionals to manage patients, create, browse and analyze recordings, apply filters and montages, mark regions of interest and edit diagnoses in a standardize form. F1 Home: With minimal training, F1 Home’s simplified interface enables patients to properly self administer the F1 Headset and start and stop recordings, all in the convenience of their own home.

The F1 EEG Headset developed with the Department of Neurology at the University of Magdeburg makes it possible to record the brain activity of the patient, thanks to dry electrodes and wireless signal transmission, in their home environment and transfer it to the doctor’s office to be evaluated by specialists. With this approach the doctors are practically able to provide ‘in home’ medical care.

The F1 Cap is a battery operated system designed to measure electrical activity along the scalp (EEG, electroencephalogram). The system uses dry electrodes directly on the skin; there is no need to prepare the skin with conductive gel. The measured signal is digitized and wirelessly transmitted to a PC or a Tablet. The F1 Cap uses an integrated RF receiver for stimuli synchronization. A local PC with a USB RF transceiver and the “F1 Lab” software is used for signal processing, synchronization and recording. The simplified “F1 Home” tablet application is also available for patients to record EEG in the convenience of their own home.

The F1 System consists of hardware and software connected wirelessly The F1 Software and the F1 Wrist Marker are connected to the F1 Cap . “F1 Lab” is a desktop application designed to be used by medical professionals (neurologists, doctors, analysts) to record data. F1 Lab also provides tools for the user to perform in-depth analysis of recorded data. “F1 Home” is a tablet application that allows patients to easily record EEG in the convenience of their own home. The data recorded on the tablet can be copied to the medical professional’s computer and analyzed with “F1 Lab.”

Left: Verleihung des Hugo-Junkers-Preises
Bild: IMG / Sebastian Stolze
Right : Robert J. Stokes, CEO der Nielsen Tele Medical GmbH im Gespräch mit Bundeskanzlerin Dr. Angela Merkel und Sachsen-Anhalts Ministerpräsidenten Dr. Reiner Haseloff
Bild: Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt/Franziska Krüger

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